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Happy Talk Monster Pack of home activities supports language, literacy and learning skills

21 Apr 2020

Happy Talk is a part of the HSE Speech and Language Therapy Service. They worked together with UCC Speech and Language Therapy Department. to make the Happy Talk Monster Pack - full of ideas and activities to do at home.

The Happy Talk team of speech and language therapists are based in Cork in the North Lee Speech and Language Therapy Department. They deliver services across Cork City and provide targeted supports for children aged 0 – 6 years living in disadvantage in Cork City. Happy Talk seeks to improve the language, learning and literacy skills of young children, an identified high-risk population for speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

Happy Talk normally works in Schools, Preschools, Crèches, Libraries, Public Health Nurse Clinics and Parent Toddler Groups. With COVID-19 presenting barriers to usual service, they worked together with UCC Speech and Language Therapy department, to create the Happy Talk Monster Pack. The pack contains ideas and activities to play and use at home to help develop early language, literacy and learning skills. 

Making the resource available to be shared far and wide, the Happy Talk team hope as many people as possible enjoy it. All materials used in this pack are either generated by Happy Talk – HSE or are free to download online. The activities in this pack are intended for children aged approximately 4 – 8 years. However, that doesn’t mean some of these activities can’t be enjoyed by kids of all ages; even grown up kids! 

You can download the Happy Talk Monster Pack on the CYPSC website here.

The Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every county in Ireland.  The overall purpose is to improve outcomes for children and young people through local and national interagency working. 

For more on this story contact:

Happy Talk at HSE Cork North Lee Webpage:

Speech and Language Therapy, University College Cork: 

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